Monday, October 10, 2011


So the cold has been long gone for about 2 1/2 weeks now. I no longer rely on my Dayquil for daily survival. I can sleep without my NyQuil as well.
But now, my lovely cold has left me with the world's longest and most excruciating headache ever. It hasn't left me for the past 2 weeks and I'm literally dying!
If you know me, then you know how high my pain tolerance is. I thank soccer for that. I tore my ACL without any tears. I dislocated my kneecap without crying. I never had a moment of weakness during my whole swollen cheeks for four weeks and having to work after getting my wisdom teeth out. (I do admit that after I tore my ACL I was put on some weird meds that may have made me a little sappy and I believe my little sister was there to witness my meltdown, but I only took those meds once and never again)
Anyways, I never get headaches. Never. Well...rarely. Maybe about twice a year and it'll last for about 5 minutes and then I forget about it.
I also never take pain meds. I hate taking medicine in the first place. But lately I've sort of been having relationships with multiple different meds. Ever since I start Nuvaring, I've been getting kill-my-uterus cramps, gun-to-my-head headaches, and recently added to my list would be muscle fatigue and shaky hands.
So I've been spending all my free time laying in bed, on the break of tears, ready to just die.
I know I'm being a little insensitive to the subject of death in this blog, so I apologize.
Anyways, I went to the UWM health center today. I got some meds. The doctor told me he was giving me something like Tylenol. I told him that I have difficulty in swallowing pills and I basically just stick to my ibuprofen since it's pretty tiny. So he gave me tinier tylenols and said to try them and they have Codine 3 or something I don't it's doctor talk which doesn't make much sense to me. And then he gave me some muscle relaxers. Already took some of the headache stuff and 2 hours later it ain't working. Fuck. My. Life.
It's like a never ending nightmare. I just need some hardcore medication for this. Maybe some Vicodin. Or Oxycontin.  I'll be drugged in my classes but I don't care. At this point I'm getting desperate. So I need to workout, I need to grocery shop, I need to study, I need to go shopping. But I can't do any of that because when I move, I feel the need to crawl into a ball and scream. And I'm running out of things to do too just sitting around in my room.

Well this is my blog I suppose. To update everyone on the deceased cold and the now up and springing and ready to kick my butt headache that never leaves. This relationship is suffocating me.
I'm going to go pop another pill and pray to Britney that I'm put out of my misery.

Peace. Love. Oxycontin.