Sunday, March 31, 2013

More on a Fabulous Topic; Myself

Something to add, that sort of goes with my last blog. I sort of got it from my mom.
Today, which was Easter, I was with my family, of course. And as usual, something happened or was said or brought up that got me all riled up. My boyfriend was smiling, my mom was nodding her head with her usual knowing-grin on her face, and I put together that me being all worked up and blabbing about something probably viewed as not a big deal was amusing to these people. I pointed this out to my mother, where in return she responded "You are a passionate person. You express yourself just as passionately as you feel them". Okay I was paraphrasing and it probably didn't sound that great (sorry mom) but as a summary that's the gist of what she meant. So yes, I do. I get worked up over stupid, and pointless things. But at the time, they are neither pointless or stupid. Or no, maybe that's not it. Maybe it's more of because it's little acts of obscenity or rudeness that are easily and obviously overlooked that people don't think twice about it. Those little things are what make me mad. I mean huge acts of rudeness get to me too. But just as equally as the little ones, and that's because they are so little and no one sees it. And even when I point them out, I still look a little crazy and over dramatic. I over-analyze, true. But that doesn't really change much to me. I can't simply tell myself "okay Emma, you're over-thinking this. It's not that bad" and then instantly be over it. It's not a simple solution. I guess the only solution or way to calm the waters with me is for people to see what I'm saying and agree without laughing it off and telling me "it's not that big of a deal". Obviously, I do think it is sort of a big deal. Not a HUGE one, but it's a deal to me that is apparent and desires some acknowledgement.
I don't mean to say I get angry with people when they don't go with it. I get it. I over-dramatize some things. And not everyone feels the need to waste energy on these things. Maybe I just have so much energy in me that I need to pour it out in issues like these. Who knows?
The point is, I feel passionately about everything.
I rarely find myself in situations where I feel no energy should be wasted on something I don't really care about. Because even if it wasn't an issue I initially cared about, it, at the moment, affects me. So why should I not care?
I do wish I could not care so deeply about everything. It could save me some breath and possible embarrassment from the judgement I receive for it. But I'm also not one to care how people judge me.
(I do care sometimes, about how people judge me. But only on rare occasions)

So there you go. I passionately feel something about something. And I passionately verbalize my opinion.