Monday, November 14, 2011

Real quick.

I think people find it easier to just see the world as black and white. People are either good or bad. It would definitely make it easier to hate someone if you could just simply think they were bad. Everyone wants a final answer, a definite response instead of being unsure of something or someone. I used to think it was maybe just a middle school thing, but then high school came along and then I thought it was a high school thing. And then I went abroad a met a whole different type of people and here I am in college and I see that it's everywhere. I would blame that mind set on immaturity. But it's not necessarily immature.
I just found myself thinking I didn't like someone because they did me wrong in the past. But then I have a memory of them doing a random kind act for someone. And then it hit me. Maybe I feel better just being able to have it said and done and out of the way to just think I don't like them. But I know this person may have done a wrong act. And they have probably done a few already and will do more in the future. But I also know that this person is a good person, a decent person, who tries to do good for the world.
So yes, it's quick and easy and simple to just not think about them as people. If you just think of this person as something bad, evil, it takes out the humanity of the situation and you can go about your day and not worry.
But actually trying to understand someone is where the true courage and strength are. Because you are totally overcoming your own hurt, betrayal, or whatever it is that they did to you to see the good they do for others. We all get hurt in a minor or major way in life. And people are generally the cause of it. But I can't sit here and say I've never hurt anyone before. I'm sure there are people out there who just see me as an evil spirited soulless thing. And that's okay. Because it is those people who will live life ignorant of what is really going on. I try to do good, as does everyone else. But we can't possibly make the entire world happy.
I just want everyone to realize the effect they have when they decide that they truly hate someone. You don't hate them. You may not like them because of something. But you don't hate them. You just don't want to understand them for whatever reason. Maybe you're scared, or embarrassed, or upset and you just want to be upset instead of wanting to be happy.
The world is not as black and white as everyone wants it to be. Trust me, things would be easier if it were. But we are in 2011. There are no demon children. There are no witches with only the intention to destroy. And people are all equal.

That's basically all I want to say. Shanksss

1 comment:

  1. Em, you draw a really interesting idea around individualistic society:) I think you'd see that in our American society people view things as black and white because most people consider if it benefits them or not. Simple and straight forward. Many other places in the world use a more collectivist view point and they consider how things function as a whole.

    Very interesting!
