Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sickity Sick Sick

Take a wild guess what this blog is about!
Guess what? I'm sick! No fever or barfing, ew no thanks.
Thank you baby Jesus it's just a cold. How embarrassing would it be to barf in class! Oh my god.
Anywho, I have the cold. I knew it the second I woke up. I had that dry, muffly, phlemy feeling in my throat where you just don't feel good and water and cough drops won't fix it. It all started when I fell asleep with my window open. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE having my window open. I like to sleep when it's cold/ breezy. But those Croatian superstitions came back to bite me in the butt. They always told me that sleeping with my window open will make me sick.
Goodness I know how ridiculous that is. I looked it up to just to make sure I wasn't going crazy and sure enough, cold air will not give me a virus or anything. Being cold can lower the immune system making it harder to fight off bacteria and what not, but it won't be the thing that gives me a cold.
But I'm sick. And it's just dandy candy...except that I have an econ exam tomorrow...
Today I went to my early ass class at 8 (history, that's why I bother to wake up). God, I love that class of course, but today was so harsh. I knew from the second I woke up, like I said, that i was sick. So I made a warm drink, took some asprin, and hoped that'd be enough.
Now I get colds a lot. I'm used to it. But they are generally minor. Just a headache with a cough and stuffy nose. But this is bad.
So I'm in class sipping my coffee taking some notes and then I start staring at some random person's foot or something. And BAM! The next thing I know it's 45 minutes later and I'm still staring at the foot without the tiniest clue of what I was just thinking about or what was happening in class. My brain was so foggy I couldn't comprehend anything. I literally felt like I was in a dream or something.
And after class ended, a guy sitting near me was about to leave without a book that he had forgotten on the floor or something and so I, on auto pilot and clueless, pick it up and hand it to him and say "is this your book". Actually I did not say it...I pretty much yelled it. I had no idea how loud I was talking until I heard myself echo and everyone turn to look at me. And I didn't exactly ask him politely either. I didn't mean to. I seriously felt like I had little control over a lot of what I was doing. So I walked back to my dorm and napped until my next class. Which was French, and I was feeling a lot better and I handled it better.
After all my classes, I walked to Walgreens (about 4-5 blocks) bought myself some vegetable soup, NyQuil, DayQuil  and some good old vitamin C juice. It started raining on my way back :( probably didn't make anything any better.
But I got back, ate some soup, chugged my NyQuil (which happens to have 10% alcohol in it...PARTY!) and crashed. Also I noticed on my NyQuil there's a tiny little ad on the upper right hand corner that says" parents: learn more about teen medicine abuse". OMG!
What are kids doing these days?! Are they so desperate for a little tipsy slut attention that they buy and chug bottles of NyQuil.
Now I'll tell you something, and I'm being honest. While in Europe, I may have flirted with a few alcoholic beverages. The straight up stuff ain't exactly like chocolate. But I got it down and moved on. But cold medicine...I mean...ew. It's thick and tastes terrible. And you can feel the stuff they put in it to open up your sinuses and the taste just lingers. No amount of any chaser really wipes that away.
But hey, if teens are really that desperate...I think they got enough issues going on in their life that make me think hey, why not chug a bottle of ny/dayquil. At least they won't get sick.

Anyways it was a big deal that I get better today for my econ exam tomorrow that is gonna kill me. But I've studied my butt off and sometimes that all you can do and just pray to the almighty Britney that you won't fail and get kicked out of college.
Also I talked to my lovely mother today and she helped me with my cold. Even when I'm an hour and a half away, she still manages to take care of me when I'm sick. Shanks meerm.
And also, while studying my econ book, I came upon a chapter with an example of opportunity costs based on a girl named Emma and how much money she would have to spend on all the books she read.
It knows me! We have a connection. Of course I took a picture of it and instantly sent it to my little sister. I mean it's freaking freaky!

I just took some Nyquil and I've been waiting for the effects to hit me like a train and put me out of my misery and it's starting to wash over me.  Tonight, my window is closed. I have cold medicine in my system. I have greasy hair on my head. And warm clothes on my body. Tomorrow better be a golly gee damn good day.

may the force be with you

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